MoU with Christian University of Thailand

This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is made between NTC Group (hereinafter referred as “NTC”) and Christian University of Thailand, Thailand (hereinafter referred as “C.U.T.”).

WHEREAS NTC and C.U.T. wish to promote academic exchanges and develop academic collaborations to be mutual benefit to their students and institutions.

WHEREAS NTC and C.U.T. agree to establish terms and conditions to apply to this Memorandum of Understanding. 

NOW THEREFORE both parties propose the academic exchanges to enhance their collaborative projects/activities as follows;

  1. Referral student to pursue higher education
  2. Staff development
  3. Extracurricular student development

Both NTC and C.U.T. understand that any subsequent financial involvement shall have to be discussed on each activity basis.  Details of specific cooperative programs shall be set forth in separate annexes which shall be respectively attached in accordance with each specific project/activity.  In addition, it deems to appoint an appropriate person of each party to coordinate in the development and implementation of the project/activity based on this MOU.

This MOU will be effective upon approval by both parties and shall be valid for a period of five years.  It shall be automatically extended for every five year unless either party gives a notification. It may be terminated by mutual consent of a written notice six months prior to the specified termination date.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the duly authorized representatives of both parties hereunder put their signatures to validate this MOU.